

It has been a few weeks now since the last post. Things are progressing very well although we wished it would go faster. We are so eager to get this pant out to you, but it takes time to test, improve and manufacture great gear. We definitely want to get every detail right from the start, and we are not going to take any shortcuts.

Mountain view

Since the beginning of the year, when we were ready with our first prototype, we have spent a lot of time testing and evaluating. We have been wearing and using the pants day and night. They have been with us on different trips to Lyngen, Romsdalen and Jostedalsbreen National Park in Norway. We have been hiking, cycling, ski touring and rock climbing in them. And off course hours and hours of walking in the local forests and maybe the biggest wear and tear tests of them all; playing with our children outside ? 

Legs sticking out of tent

We did a lot of improvements from the first prototype to the second prototype. Everything from redesigning the hook, changed the fitting and trying to find the most optimal size of ventilation. We now feel we are getting closer and closer and we are starting to get very satisfied with the results! 

Winter camping

As mentioned earlier have we found a fabric that is a combination of recycled polyester and organic cotton from South Korea. Now after testing it more and more it really feels like a great fabric. The weight of the fabric is 250g/m2 which makes it very durable and wear resistant. The thickness of the fabric and thanks to the side ventilation being so long they can actually be worn all year around. Warm enough for the colder season and ventilated enough for warmer conditions.

In forest

A few weeks back we did a small survey on colors. The question were “If you only have one pair of outdoor pants what color would it be?”

We gave four options and winner was the “Sten-svart” option. As you can see on the samples those outdoor pants were not made in the correct color. Now as we have decided to go for the black option we are starting the process of getting the fabric colored in the correct shades of black. More info about that process soon!


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